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I have been using “cf.” incorrectly for years.



god, how I hate the Chicago manual

No way! It’s brilliant. It has teh answrz for EVERYTHING.

akshully, it doesn’t!

Yeah, what she said. I just hate having to learn a new form of anything. And I can never keep the bibliography, notes and references stuff straight.

Don’t become a reference librarian, lazy.

But how, pray tell, have you been using cf.?

I have been using it as if it meant “cross-reference,” as synonym for “see.” But as I discovered in CMS when looking up something else entirely (as is usually the case in such things): “[use] cf. only to mean ‘compare’ or ‘see, by way of comparison.’”

I have been using cf. for many years, correctly, it seems, but I just got it from copying my parents. I used their books quite a bit in college and acquired the same habit of penciling notes in the margins.