Hermits Rock

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  • After having taken a too long hiatus after the race, this morning I used my legs again, and it felt good. Late autumn’s always a difficult time for me to run, and it was complicated further by the fact that we had a big deadline the last weekend of October (and another shortly after). The tiredness I get from a run is one of the most relaxing feelings I know.
  • Jeff Sharlet has a good article in the December Harpers about American fundamentalists’ revisions of American history.
  • I think my grandmother is upset with me and has given me up for lost. I was told recently that she believes I don’t respond to her e-mail. Now, I admit that I’m not the best correspondent. Especially the past two years, the uncertainty of unemployment made regular contact with a lot of friends and family an unhappy prospect. All I had to tell about myself was depressing; I didn’t want to talk, I didn’t want to write. I would reply to e-mails and usually returned phone calls, however shallowly. Slowly, I have been coming out of that rut. Still, in the past few months grandma has taken to believing I don’t write back, even though I’ve actually replied to half of the e-mails she’s sent since May, which is a good ratio since three-fourths of the e-mails she’s sent were impersonal forwards and newsletters. Compared to my we-don’t-leave-Arkansas cousins, I’m clearly the family goat now. I’ve written her twice in the last week and received no reply at all. Short of showing up for Thanksgiving, I don’t know what more to do than wait for her grudge to pass. Payback’s a bitch, I guess.


Hey, I fell asleep! What happened to the thread?

Oh, all right. It’s back now.