By the time you’re reading this, barring car trouble or some catastrophe, Kathy and I are in Arkansas visiting my family. It’s likely that we’re being encouraged to move there, or to hit up a cousin for a job (or a kiss), or to explain why Kathy’s not twice-over pregnant already, or to reveal our gray roots, or to cook our Boca burgers this way, and not that; it’s equally likely that we’re having a grand time in spite of my suspicions to the contrary. Whatever does or doesn’t happen, we’ll have a full report soon after we return (and an early one for Chris and Mary on Monday morning). In the meantime, C/hris and M/ary, J/eremy and T/racy, Laura, Mick, and all three of the rest of you readers, may your Christmas be filled with love, may your table be topped with tofu or turkey, may you find peace this day and the next, and may your vacation give you time to listen! (Note: Make sure you have the Real Audio player before you click the link; an alternate source for the RA file is at This American Life.)
happy holidays!
happy kwanza!
advent, epiphany, immaculate conception!
happhy hanukkah!
happy new years!
seasons greetings!
and, of course, don’t forget the reason for the season…
that we still pray!
that we still believe in in christmas!
and that all those other greetings…yes, all of them, offend me to my protestant core!
by Jeremy—Dec 24, 08:40 AM
And a Merry Christmas to all from the smells & bells (i.e. Episcopalian—Protestant only in the loosest sense of the word) contigent of your readership! And don’t forget the solstice. . . .
by Laura—Dec 24, 10:42 AM
oh right, merry solstice to one and all
by Jeremy—Dec 24, 12:44 PM
we’re home. no more from me today.
by greg—Dec 26, 09:40 PM
gladja made it.
by mary—Dec 26, 11:18 PM
that’s a passel of kids you had as you joined family to bow down before that big eastern syndicate.
by Jeremy—Dec 28, 08:16 AM